Monday, July 29, 2024

Exploring Venues

 Just a little update...

As we know we will be a bigger event next May 24th, 2024 (yes, mark the date in your calendars), we have been scouting out new potential venues. 

 Beautiful halls that carry the feel of the Scriptus Pen Show or the Toronto Stationary Show are proving very very expensive with many extra limitations or obligations.

We are looking for a stepping stone location. Something cozy and friendly, but larger and accessible. Some of our community has reached out to suggest a specific church in NDG. They were amazing and enthusiastic! They were also very reasonably priced. We will continue exploring and will keep you posted about any exciting news.

For now, we have been asked when we will host another little inkshare for community building and bonding. We are thinking BUBBLE TEA! More news soon as I secure our location.